Clay Tile Roof Staggered Cedar Shake Roof Tapersawn Cedar Shake Roof Concrete Tile Roof Roof Areas Asphalt Shingle Roof
Heavy Cedar Shake Roof Staggered Concrete Tile Roof Z Bar Wall Flashing Concrete Tile and Primary Wall Flashing Slate Roof Rake Wall Z Bar Flashing

Condition of Roof Inspection


Phase 1 of our Roof Inspection Services

Phase 1 of our Roof Inspection Services is our Condition of Roof Inspection. In this 1st Phase we visit the home/building/community and perform a field inspection of the existing roof coverings on a sample number of building(s).  If there is only one building we will inspect the roof covering on that one building.  Where there are several to many buildings in a community we perform our Condition of Roof Inspection on a sample number of buildings depending on the size of the community and/or the number of different types of roof coverings that exist.  Most of the time we inspect 2 to 4 buildings.  For large communities we may need to inspect more buildings.  Rarely do we need to inspect each and every building in a community to ascertain the condition of the roof coverings because more likely than not the rest of the roof coverings in the community would be similar.

At the time when we perform our Condition of Roof Inspection we would like to know of any major and/or frequent roof leaks or condensation issues, or any other problems that have occurred or are continuing to occur.  We also would like to gain access to some units to see if there are any Cathedral Ceilings and where there are attic spaces we may need to take a look inside the attic space.

We inspect for existing problems and possible future problem areas.  If we do discover some problem areas, we will recommend what we believe are the best solutions so that the mistakes and/or omission, and/or design flaws made by others are not repeated.

The Observations and Recommendations we make would be used and addressed in (Phase 3) of our Roof Inspection Services - the writing of our  Request For Proposal/Guidelines   RFP/Guidelines.

Phase 1A is where we usually perform our Condition of Roof Inspection on buildings the Property Owners and/or their Board of Directors want to know what could be done to extend the life of their roof coverings.  Or they are having having problems with their roof coverings, usually major and/or frequent roof leaks, condensation, and/or other roof problems and want to know how bad the problems are and what can be done about them.  Included in this Phase 1A of our Condition of Roof Inspection is the writing of our Condition of Roof Inspection Report combining the Observations we made while inspecting the roof coverings on the building(s) in the community into one Inspection Report which usually contains many photos of our Observations.       

Phase 1B is performed when Property Owners and/or their Board of Directors are planning on replacing/repairing their roof coverings and they also want us to write our RFP/Guidelines.  So instead of writing a separate Inspection Report on what we Observed performing Our Condition of Roof Inspection we would incorporate our Observations into our RFP/Guidelines.   

Note: We automatically look for possible hail/wind damage while we are performing our Condition of Roof Inspection. If we discover hail/wind damage that might be "Claim Worthy" we will stop performing our Condition of Roof Inspection and contact the Property Owners and/or their Board of Directors.  (See our Hail/Wind Damage Roof Inspection web page.)     


We provide Roof Inspection Services only.  We do not sell or install roofing products or represent any
 roofing materials or installation companies
~ so there is no conflict of interest.

Working with Property Owners and/or their Board of Directors before the start of the replacement of their roof coverings keeps the Property Owners and/or their Board of Directors in control of the work, not the Contractor or the Insurance Company, and greatly decreases the chance of litigation over poorly installed roof coverings.

Our focus is on working with Property Owners and/or their Board of Directors
before any roofing work begins, instead of getting involved after the fact.
At this time, we are not taking on any work that could lead to litigation.

Use our Roof Inspection Services for your Peace of Mind.


We also offer our same Inspection Services for the replacement of your Exterior Cladding (Siding).


Visit our Roof Inspection Services web page and the many other web pages throughout this website to find
answers to your roofing questions and solutions to your roofing problems.


Page Revised/Updated 2/27/2023